Nature Studies
Behold and See
The science curriculum is guided primarily by the teacher’s thoughtful integration of various resources in accordance with the general and grade specific objectives for nature study. There are no textbooks. The Delta Science Modules offer a combination of hands-on experiments and related workbook activities. Anna Botsford Comstock’s Handbook of Nature provides an observational and experimental approach to the study of nature that is deeply human.
Teacher Resources
*Handbook of Nature Study, Anna Botsford Comstock
*Nature Notebook (for the students to record and draw in)
*The Earth: A Human Habitat: The Exceptional Features of Our Small Planet, Euresis
*Math Dimensions
*Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe, Michael S. Schneider
*Constructing the Universe Activity Book, Volumes 1-6, Michael S. Schneider
Literature Related to History
The Story of Money, Betsey Maestro
The History of Counting, Denise Schmandt-Besserat
Supplemental Texts
Calculus by and for Young People, Don Cohen
The Confe$$ions and $ecret$ of Howard J. Fingerhut, Esther Hershenhorn
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster
Alvin’s Secret Code, Clifford Hicks
Math Talk: Mathematical Ideas in Poems for Two Voices, Theoni Pappas
The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat, Theoni Pappas
Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar, Masaichiro and Mitsumasa Anno
G Is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book, David Schwartz
Melisande, E. Nesbit
Murderous Math Series, Kjartan Poskitt:
Do You Feel Lucky: The Secrets of Probability
The Fiendish Angletron
Murderous Math
Numbers: Keys to the Universe
The Phantom X
and more
Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream: A Mathematical Story, Cindy Neushwander
The Grapes of Math: Mind Stretching Math Riddles, Greg Tang
One Grain of Rice, Demi
Tiger Math: Learn to Graph from a Baby Tiger, Ann Whitehead Nagda and Cindy Bickel
Wild Fibonacci: Nature’s Secret Code Revealed, Joy Hulme
How Much is a Million, David Schwartz
Math Curse, Jon Scieszka
Math-terpieces, Greg Tang
Beyond a Million: An Amazing Math Journey, David Schwartz
Lewis Carroll’s Games and Puzzles, Lewis Carroll
Math Trek: Adventures in MathZone, Ivars Peterson and Nancy Henderson
Anno’s Math Games, Mitsumasa Anno
** Used with approval from St. Jerome Academy in Hyattsville, MD**