Welcome to St. Gabriel Classical Academy. Thank you, thank you, thank you for considering Catholic education for your child(ren) and especially for looking at St. Gabriel Classical Academy. In my twenty-five years of working in Catholic education, I know it is the best education out there. I have seen so many different curricula and teaching strategies, but I say "Eureka!"; we have found it and we have found it in Liberal Arts education. Such an education is sweeping the nation and for good reason. A Catholic Liberal Arts education, like ours, truly seeks to teach the whole child in Truth, Beauty and Goodness through Him, with Him, and in Him.
As a Catholic classical school, we want to awaken the human person to all that he/she is capable of. There is a healthy rigor embedded in our curriculum. Integrating the faith into every aspect of a child's education helps children truly have a complete picture of who they are, why they are here, and where they are going. Our goal is to form the whole person. Thinking critically is important for those who teach and someone who seeks to learn. While academics are an important part of our school, a child's personal formation, reception of the sacraments, and building and forming healthy relationships is equally important.
At the end of the Prologue of The Catechism of the Catholic Churh it states: The whole concern of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends. Whether something is proposed for belief, for hope or for action, the love of our Lord must always be made accessible so that anyone can see that all the works of perfect Christian virtue spring from love and have no other objective than to arrive at love. (CCC 25). While this is primarily speaking of the doctrines of the Catholic Church, it mirrors authentic Catholic eucation and what we are striving to do at St. Gabriel's. We are dedicated to love the children first, and then teach them.
Come visit us. See the love and care that exudes in our community. We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year which will also be the inaugural year of our new school building!
In Christ the Teacher,
Mrs. Robin Schneider