Who am I?
Where do I come from and why am I here?
How am I to live my life?
Saint Augustine, whose own life and work profoundly engaged these perennial questions, gives classic expression to the Christian response that proposes that there is Truth; creation is the expression of intelligent purpose; and man is a rational being, the highest material creation endowed with inherent dignity, made in the image and likeness of God. Furthermore, man can live a joyful, ordered life because of God’s abundant goodness and mercy.
Inspired by this life in Christ, St. Gabriel Classical Academy has outlined its educational philosophy. We believe that the ultimate purpose of a Catholic school is to bring souls to Christ through His Church. At St. Gabriel Classical Academy, we achieve this purpose when we develop our students' intellects and when we provide them with foundational principles rooted in faith, reason, and virtue that they can later employ to live good, fulfilled, and holy lives.
Education is grounded in the Catholic intellectual traditions, the teachings of the Universal Church and her understanding of the human experience. We provide students with a foundation of faith by which they are truly made free to seek truth and live joyful, productive lives informed by reason and virtue to help bear witness to the kingdom of God in our day.
Download the SGCA Educational Philosophy here.